Man crouching in rubble of destroyed buildings Gaza
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Image credit: Mohammed Zaanoun


ShelterBox is providing emergency shelter and other essential items for people left with nowhere to live.

More than 85% of the population in Gaza have been displaced since October 2023. Together with our partner MAP, we’ll be sourcing items in Egypt and Türkiye. The situation is complex, but our aid will reach people via the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza.


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People wading through floodwater in Bangladesh
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People wade through floodwaters left by Cyclone Remal in Bangladesh. Credit: Uttaran


A ShelterBox assessment team is in Bangladesh after severe flooding across the east of the country.  

Meanwhile our response to Cyclone Remal, which struck Bangladesh in May, continues. We have partnered with Uttaran to support people left homeless by the storm floodwaters.

Learn more about the situation in Bangladesh.

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Woman moving rubble after Hurricane Beryl struck the Caribbean
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Credit – Joe Raedle / Getty Images


Hurricane Beryl has left a trail of destruction across the Caribbean islands.

Right now, entire communities are living out in the open or in overcrowded buildings like schools. We’re partnering with Rotary to get emergency shelter aid and other essential items to thousands of people uprooted from their homes in Grenada.  We’ll be providing tents as well as essential items like mosquito nets, solar lights, and cooking sets.

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syrian family sit together in tent


In Syria the need for humanitarian support is greater than ever. People are facing violent conflict, financial crisis and extreme weather.

We’ve been supporting families affected by the war in Syria since 2012.

Right now, we’re providing essential aid items to get people through the tough winter months. Working with our partners ReliefAid and Bahar Organisation, we’ll be supporting 4,000 families in the Northeast and Northwest with winterisation items such as baby grows, coats, mattresses, tent bases and other essential aid items.

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Mother with child

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Smiling woman stands outside grass hut holding kitchen items in Mozambique
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Muanassa proudly displays her new kitchen items. She said: 'My children no longer have to sleep on the floor because we received mats, including blankets and cooking utensils.'


The conflict in northern Mozambique is driving one of the world’s fastest-growing displacement crises.

Since October 2017, an extremist group has been launching violent attacks on civilians in the northern province of Cabo Delgado.

With help from our partner CARE Mozambique, we are supporting vulnerable communities with shelter kits, solar lights, kitchen sets, sleeping mats, and mosquito nets.


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The Lake Chad Basin crisis


Since 2009, Boko Haram has been waging an insurgency in Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon.

Around 9.7 million people are now in need of urgent humanitarian aid in the Lake Chad region.

In Cameroon, we have supported over 18,000 families. We’re now working with our partner Public Concern to provide a range of emergency shelters and durable shelters, depending on people’s needs.



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Mother and child sat on the floor

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso is one of the fastest-growing displacement crises in Africa.

1.9 million people have been forced to flee their homes due to extremist violence. Efforts by both government forces and local militias to fight it have uprooted even more communities.

Together with our partner, HELP, we’ve supported over 4,000 families since 2020.

Recently, we have been providing aid items and emergency shelters known as Sahelian tents. These tents are constructed from locally sourced materials and offer a more durable structure for displaced families who have fled their homes to escape extremist violence.




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Children sitting on the ground laughing in Yemen


Yemen is currently the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

It is a result of the bitter civil war, starvation, and a failing economy.

We have partnered with BCHR (Benevolence Coalition for Humanitarian Relief) to support vulnerable communities as violence flares up again. Together we are providing tents, tarpaulins, water filters, soap, masks and other household items.

We have more recently been supplying iron net shelters and household items.





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People holding bags with aid in Tigray, Ethiopia
Conflict and Drought


Millions of people have been forced to flee their homes due to violent conflict and drought in Ethiopia.

Working with our partner IOM, we’ve supported people with items like tarpaulins, rope, blankets, sleeping mats, mosquito nets, water carriers and kitchen sets.

We have supported a total of 22,000 people in the Afar and Somali regions in the last year. Aid distributions are now complete.





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A lorry with aid materials parked outside a warehouse


Thousands of people fleeing violence in Sudan are arriving in Chad.

Working with our partner INTERSOS Tchad we are supplying people with emergency shelter, as well as providing essential items including solar lights, mosquito nets, blankets, sleeping mats, and kitchen sets.

The first emergency shelters are now being assembled.



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Man holding a stick sitting outside of a shelter
Drought and Conflict


Due to drought and violence, hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes in Somalia, searching for food, water and health services.

We’re working with the Juba Foundation to provide training and materials for the construction of locally appropriate shelters, as well as supplying essential items such as solar lights, water filters and mosquito nets.




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Damaged buildings and roads in Malawi


Heavy rainfall in early 2024 has caused severe flooding in central Malawi. As a result thousands of people have been forced from their homes.

Families have been forced to find shelter elsewhere. Some are staying in schools, community centres or with host families. Thousands more are seeking shelter in displacement camps. With other families already living in displacement camps after Cyclone Freddy in 2023, there is a shortage of tents, tarpaulins and household items.

We are responding to the flooding; working with people who have been affected by the flooding, and our partner CARE Malawi. We will be using aid already in Malawi after Cyclone Freddy.

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Woman in yellow smiles outside emergency relief tent in Pakistan after flooding


Severe monsoon flooding in Pakistan has left thousands of people with nowhere to live. The disaster has affected more than 33 million people and around 1 million houses have been damaged or destroyed.

We have partnered with Islamic Relief Pakistan to support thousands of people left with nowhere to live.

Aid includes tents, water filters and carriers, mosquito nets, solar lights and cash assistance.

Learn more about the situation in Pakistan and see how you can help.

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Man in facemask carries shelterbox aid on shoulder in the philippines
Past work

Past responses

Since ShelterBox was founded back in 2000, we have responded to disasters and conflicts around the world.

Learn more about our previous responses – where we worked, the disaster or conflict that forced people from their homes, and the people we supported.

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Portrait of Pakistani man standing outside emergency tent
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When severe flooding caused devastation across the north and south of Pakistan, father of four, Abdul, lost his home and his livelihood. After receiving a ShelterBox tent, Abdul and his family told us they were joyful to have a roof over their heads.

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