A Gift in your Will can bring calm to the chaos

By leaving a Gift in your Will to ShelterBox, you can be there to support families survive the immediate impact of disaster for the next generation, whenever and wherever it’s needed most.

If you are considering leaving a Gift in your Will to ShelterBox, thank you. It doesn’t matter how large or small the donation is, your gift will help support those in crisis when an emergency hits.

It’s a chance to make a lasting impact – join us to make sure no one is without shelter.

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Woman sitting on the floor in Minawao Camp, Cameroon

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Woman wearing colourful headscarf looking at the camera

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Illustration of a family of 4 in front of a green circle

Gifts in Wills make a difference – they help us to support 1 in 6 families

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Man wearing ShelterBox t-shirt standing next to some railings

ShelterBox is the difference between disaster and recovery and I am proud to offer a Gift in my Will to enable that work to continue.

— David Crook, ShelterBox supporter and pledger
Woman in standing and pointing in a home being rebuilt in Vanuatu
Icon Info
Shelley in a home being rebuilt in Vanuatu

The impact your gift could have

Cyclone Harold made landfall on April 6th 2020; decimating homes, gardens and anything else that stood in its path as it tore across Vanuatu.

Earlier in the evening Shelley had reinforced the roofing of her kitchen to save her home. That effort had paid off. But as Shelley and her community huddled shoulder to shoulder in her kitchen, the cyclone raged on. A flying piece of tin roofing smashed a hole in one of the walls. Every adult who was not holding a child or heavily pregnant was holding on to the house.

Shelley and her family are one of 2,000 households that received ShelterBox aid in the wake of Cyclone Harold. Tarpaulins gave Shelley’s family a dry night’s sleep; whilst a spade, shovel and nails meant that she could rebuild her house, and later return to subsistence farming.

Two small boys smiling in Somalia

Contact us

We know that leaving a gift in your Will is
something you’ll want to think about very carefully.

Whether you’ve decided to leave a gift in your will
or would like more information on leaving a gift to
ShelterBox, please call our Gift in Wills experts on
0300 0300 500 or email us.

Woman standing in front of a wall

My parents would be delighted to know that as a family, we can stand with another family, we don’t know where or when, but a family who are going through their biggest moment of need, and we can do something to help them through that.

— Lindsay Gray, Daughter of Pledger