ShelterBox was originally founded by a Cornish Rotary Club. Ever since then Rotary have been a key partner as we work to support people without shelter.
There are a number of ways you can support us through your Rotary Club. These include:

Stock the Box
Get your community together to support people around the world through stocking your own virtual Shelter Box – helping us to be prepared for the next disaster.
By raising the amount it costs to provide typical packages of emergency aid items, you’ll make sure we’re ready to help those who’ve lost their homes to disaster.
Stock the Box
Give a Tent for Lent
By giving up something and raising money during Lent in aid of ShelterBox, you can provide tents and other shelter essentials to families affected by disaster.
Creative supporters have gone without chocolate, given up negativity and even forgone their own beds by camping out in a tent during Lent! If you are from a different faith community, your club may also wish to raise money for solar lights in Diwali, give something up during Ramadan, or provide a home for Hannukah
Tent for Lent appeal
Take part in a Kiltwalk
Kiltwalk is a unique sponsored walking event that enables participants to raise money while getting outside and active. If you are based in Scotland (or would fancy a trip there!) and would like to raise money for ShelterBox, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
Learn more about Kiltwalk
Partner clubs
If you’re a Rotary Club in Great Britain and Ireland, why not try to become a ShelterBox partner club? These are clubs that raise over £2000 in a year for us. Depending on the amount raised your club could receive Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum status. Aiming for partner club status is a great way to pull members together to fundraise.
Learn more about Partner Clubs below.
Partner Clubs
Engage your community
Many Rotary clubs have become experts in holding fundraising events and gatherings to engage their local community – here are some examples to inspire you and your club:
Hold tea in a tent
Focus on shelter and get together with your club to set up a tent or marquee, charging members of the public for tea, coffee, cake and biscuits. The Rotary Club of Hitchin Tilehouse used this simple idea as part of their fundraising and raised well over £11,000!
Put on a music night or wine tasting evening
The Rotary Club of Braunton Caen hold an annual event with a buffet and entertainment for ShelterBox, kindly hosted by a local hotel. They organise live music and sell entry tickets and raffle tickets to raise vital funds for our work.

Christchurch Rotary hold a wine tasting evening to raise funds. The event is sponsored by a local business and a wine expert guides everyone through the tasting of delicious wines, with tasting notes to take away. The club raised a fantastic £3,600 for our work with this fun evening.
Take on a personal challenge
Many Rotary members take on their own challenge to raise funds, and visit other Rotary clubs along the way. When Dave Foster walked the breath of the UK on his ‘ShelterBoots’ challenge, he visited Rotary clubs and churches en route, helping to raise more money and media interest in his walk.

Rotaract and Interact Clubs
Many Rotary clubs find that when they engage with their local Rotaract and Interact clubs to fundraise together, the collaboration yields fantastic results. You could encourage your clubs to host a talk or dinner to support families around the world, or hold a joint event to raise funds and awareness.
Rotary Interact students at Portadown College in Ireland raised money through a Tug O’War event held at the school. The Interactors from the school planned and ran the fundraiser themselves!
Get in touch
Looking to book a speaker, or for posters, materials or photos to assist with your fundraising? Get in touch using the form below

Could you volunteer for ShelterBox?
We rely on volunteers to spread the word about our work, give talks and engage with Rotary clubs around the world. Wherever you are, we welcome your interest in giving your time to ShelterBox. In volunteering with us, you will become part of a global network of people helping to provide shelter to those affected by disaster.
Find out more about volunteer roles on our Volunteering page
Volunteer with us