
How to beat the winter blues: 4 easy ways

As the temperatures drop and the days remain short, it’s not uncommon for many of us to be feeling a little blue. Here are four easy ways to beat the winter blues and start looking forward to Spring.

23 December 2021

Woman holding cup of tea in front of a fireplace

As the temperatures drop and the days remain short, it’s not uncommon for many of us to be feeling a little blue, especially after the holiday season.

Don’t worry – we’ve collated four easy ways to beat the winter blues and start looking forward to Spring.


1. Take up volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to give your time to a good cause that you believe in and also help people in the process. But guess what – it’s also good for you.

It can give you a sense of pride and achievement, really boost your confidence, and help you develop your skills. If you’re new to volunteering, it’s a great challenge to set for yourself in the new year! Plus, it’s fun and you get to meet like-minded people.

ShelterBox is currently on the lookout for some amazing individuals to step up and volunteer for us. We’re currently looking for ambassadors and brand ambassadors. So what are you waiting for? Apply to volunteer with us and be part of a community that wants to see no one left without shelter after disaster.

Apply now

A woman and a man talking at a ShelterBox event

2. Join a Book Club

Each year around Christmas, we’re busy baking, cooking and buying presents for our loved ones ahead of the big day. There’s little time to do anything else, let alone pick up a book and start reading it!

But come January, everything changes. Suddenly we find ourselves with more free time and a limited repertoire of activities outside the house.

January is the perfect time to join a book club, so why not do it whilst you’re giving back to charity? Join our award-winning ShelterBox Book Club! For a £10 monthly subscription, you’ll receive a book every six weeks inspired by people and places in the real world – people who have been helped by ShelterBox in an emergency.

Join discussions and Q&As with authors and be part of a book-loving community of over 3,000 bookworms. Proceeds go towards providing aid to families hit by disaster.

Join ShelterBox Book Club

Woman sitting in an armchair reading a book from the ShelterBox book club

3. Take up a challenge

January is the month of New Year resolutions. Whether it’s about trying new hobbies, doing something that scares you, or simply getting out of bed earlier, we all want to challenge ourselves on some level.

Sometimes we choose to set ourselves challenges that are meant to push our physical limits. For example, running a distance you haven’t run before, or even running at all! Physical exercise is also known to help boost our mood.

This year, take up a challenge that makes you feel good, while also supporting families in need of emergency shelter around the world.

Join our 22 for 22 challenge to celebrate our 22nd birthday and fundraise for disaster-affected families around the world. You can choose any activity you like, but if you would like some inspiration, visit our webpage. Happy fundraising!

Sign up today

two women hiking to fundraise for ShelterBox

4. Keep in touch with loved ones

All of us at times can feel a little isolated – a feeling that can be exacerbated during the dark, winter months.

That’s why staying in touch with loved ones can help us feel connected. Whether it is just a text message, a voice message or a video call, letting someone know you’re thinking about them can go a long way.

Building connections with friends and loved ones who might be based somewhere further from us could help in feeling a bit less blue.

Winter can leave many of us struggling to keep up motivation. If your symptoms are interfering with your everyday life, seek help by speaking to your GP.