
Act for Humanity: How ShelterBox partners face the dangers of being humanitarians

Join us this World Humanitarian Day as we honour the courage and dedication of humanitarians worldwide.

14 August 2024

ShelterBox is a humanitarian organisation. But what does this mean? On World Humanitarian Day, we’re taking a moment to reflect on what it truly means to be a humanitarian and the risks our partners face every day.

What is a humanitarian?

A humanitarian is someone who supports people in extreme need. For us, it’s a commitment to improving lives and reducing suffering during the chaos of conflict or the aftermath of disasters. It’s not just about providing aid; it’s about hope and offering a path to recovery.

The theme for World Humanitarian Day 2024 is Act for Humanity. It calls for an end to violence against humanitarian workers and civilians. This is after 2023 was the deadliest year on record for humanitarian workers with incidents in Sudan, South Sudan and Gaza. And 2024 could be even worse as humanitarians continue to face life-threatening dangers.

The risks our partners face

Young girl overlooks bombed building in Gaza
ShelterBox is providing emergency shelter aid to people in Gaza. Image credit: Mohammed Zaanoun

Our local partners are invaluable, offering understanding of the contexts we work in. They embody the four humanitarian principles (humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence) and mirror our commitment to support people and do no harm. While we send response teams to an area, it’s our partners who maintain the work long term, fostering connections with those we support but also facing increased danger.

In places like Mozambique and Cameroon, our partners have had to adapt to protect their teams from extremist attacks. Gaza, in particular, stands out as one of the most dangerous places in the world, with over 250 aid workers lost since 7 October 2023. While the press has focused on international aid workers killed, the vast majority have been locals. The challenges are immense: from navigating through airstrikes and ground offensives to dealing with the constant movement of people trying to escape danger.

Perseverance in Gaza

Our partners deliver ShelterBox aid in Gaza

Our partners in Gaza face extraordinary challenges in receiving and distributing our aid. There is a constant threat of airstrikes and ground offensives. And people in Gaza are moving constantly to escape damaged areas or to follow Israeli evacuation orders. But through the dedication of our partners, our aid is being distributed to people who need it.

Working alongside MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians) and their local partner, the Social Development Forum (SDF), as well as the Agricultural Development Association (PARC), we’ve seen how difficult it is to reach people in such an intense conflict. But, despite having to navigate through the destruction, our partners have managed to help build shelters and distribute tents. Even in the darkest times, our partners have been determined to support those who need it most.

Acting for humanity: how you can make a difference

This World Humanitarian Day, we thank all our partners for their dedication, determination and hard work. They embody what it means to be a humanitarian.

Here’s how you can get involved and support those making a world of difference:

  1. Educate yourself and others. Learn about the crises affecting our world and share that knowledge with friends, family, and through social media. Awareness is the first step towards change.
  2. Stay informed. Sign up for our newsletters and follow us on social media to stay updated on our work.
  3. Donate. Every contribution counts. Your support helps us to provide emergency shelter and tools for families affected by disaster and conflict.

Join us in acting for humanity, and let’s make a difference, one action at a time.