What happened?

In October 2019, three powerful earthquakes shook Mindanao island, destroying homes and whole buildings.

Around 21,000 homes turned to rubble, with an additional 7,000 homes severely damaged.

Thousands of people fled to evacuation centres and some stayed with host families.

The families who were hit the hardest were staying in makeshift shelters, and they weren’t expected to return back to their homes for at least six months.

How did ShelterBox respond?

Our teams completed assessments in the Philippines after three earthquakes shook Mindanao in October.

We found that thousands of families lost their homes, and were in severe need of support. Working closely with Rotary and the local government, we provided life-changing aid to those who needed it most.

Families received shelter kits, corrugated iron sheets, tarpaulins and rope. These tools and aid items supported them so they could build a shelter and regain a sense of privacy to start recovering.

Watch the video to learn more.

Distributions are officially complete in the Philippines for this response.

We supported over 1,500 families whose homes were destroyed or seriously damaged.

We provided training to people we helped, and in turn they gave training to the rest of their local community.

Watch the video to hear Dave’s final update on our response in Mindanao.

Thank you – your ongoing support is helping us reach families affected by disaster around the world

Family in the Philippines stand under trees by ShelterBox tent after Typhoon Haiyan
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A family who received a ShelterBox tent after Typhoon Haiyan

We have responded to disasters in the Philippines more than any other country.

Since 2004 we have responded over 25 times in the country to various devastating disasters such as storms, typhoonsfloods, cyclones, and earthquakes.

Have a look at our Disasters Explained series to find out more about the different types of disasters we respond to.

Learn more about our work in the Philippines here.