Rohingya families fled Myanmar with nothing

Around 688,000 Rohingya refugees fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar in 2017.

After the worst flooding that Bangladesh had seen in decades, these families were forced to set up makeshift camps in crowded conditions. Families who fled Myanmar were extremely vulnerable, having already experienced severe trauma.

Many left their homes with nothing, desperately needing shelter, lighting, and water.

We supported over 4,000 Rohingya families with blankets for warmth, tarpaulins, rope for shelter, solar lights and water carriers, which allows them to collect essential drinking water.

Inside Cox’s Bazar

ShelterBox volunteer, Liz Odell spoke from Cox’s Bazar, October 2017.

Conditions are dire. Most people are living in flimsy plastic shelters, they have no possessions – just the clothes they were wearing when they left Myanmar. Once cyclone season arrives, these shelters are at risk of washing away.

We are impatient to see a world where no one is left without shelter – but we need your support.

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Family at a refugee camp in Bangladesh

Guljar’s Story

This is Guljar. She and her family were among half a million Rohingya who have suffered decades of violence and persecution in Myanmar.

They decided to leave their home and head to Bangladesh. “At midnight we cooked up all the rice we had along with some pickle. We left in the early hours of the morning under the cover of darkness.

After spending days and nights out in the open they arrived at one of the Bangladesh camps that have sprung up in the Cox’s Bazar region.

Three children in winter clothing standing outside a tent against the landscape in Syria

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