Your gift will provide lifesaving aid for people affected by the crisis in Lebanon. If we receive more donations than needed for our response in Lebanon, your money will go towards providing emergency shelter to people affected by other disaster around the world.

These are examples of what your money could provide in Lebanon. Whatever you’re able to give, you’ll help to provide urgent shelter and essential items, wherever the need is greatest.

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Our aid has arrived in Gaza

We have aid being distributed to people in Gaza. Items like tents, tarpaulins, mattresses, water carriers and kitchen sets are being distributed by our partner Social Development Forum who are based in Gaza. More tents have also arrived in Gaza.

We have more aid on the move. Trucks filled with more tents are joining the queue in Egypt, waiting to enter Gaza. And we have more tents being stored near Amman in Jordan.

Watch our team’s latest update from Jordan now.

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Map showing location of Gaza

What is happening in Gaza?

Up to 1.7 million people are displaced in Gaza. That’s over 80% of the population with no choice but to shelter in community buildings like schools, makeshift shelters, or out in the open.

There is severe overcrowding and disease is spreading. Many of the people who had fled their homes had travelled to other locations deemed safe. But these locations have then been hit with strikes. No where in Gaza is safe.

We are providing emergency items like tarpaulins and rope, to help people make damaged buildings and other shelters watertight. Blankets, mattresses, pillows and floormats help people to stay warm. We’re providing washing sets, water carriers, kitchen sets, and items like nappies, toothbrushes, and sanitary items. Vital items for people with no belongings and unable to return home. Our durable tents will also provide valuable shelter.

Man carrying bags of aid in Gaza
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ShelterBox and MAP aid being distributed in Gaza. Image by SDF.

Access to water, food and medicine is very difficult. It’s made worse by fuel shortages. Without electricity, people cannot use lights in the dark evenings, keep warm, or cook food.

Getting aid into Gaza is extremely difficult. Most border crossings remain closed. There are significant delays getting aid in, and what is getting in is only a tiny fraction of what’s needed. The bombardments and movement of people also make it very dangerous and difficult to distribute the aid.

Together with our partner MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians) and their local partner SDF (the Social Development Forum), we’ve sourced aid items in Egypt and Türkiye. Trucks of ShelterBox aid have now crossed the border into Gaza, and the aid is being distributed to people who need it. The first tents have also arrived in Gaza, and more are currently waiting to be transported in. Tents will be distributed by MAP and SDF, and another partner the Agricultural Development Association (PARC). The people of Gaza desperately need the essential shelter items your support is providing.

With your support, we can continue to provide emergency shelter and essential items to the people who have nowhere to live in Gaza.

ShelterBox continues to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and protection of all civilians.

Man standing on stairs in destroyed home in Gaza
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Moh standing in the remains of his family's home after it was destroyed in airstrikes in 2014

Moh’s story: Searching for security in Gaza

ShelterBox responded in Gaza in 2004, 2008 and 2015. In the 2015 response we supported the family of Mohammed Eid, known as Moh. He and his family received a ShelterBox tent and other aid after their home was destroyed in an air strike.  

“Tents became a precious commodity. Thankfully, we had a tent when we needed it most, immediately after losing our house. It offered almost everything we needed within the first 24 hours following displacement. Along with the tent came mattresses, blankets, a first aid kit, and a food package.” 

Now living in the USA, Moh has shared with us his experiences in Gaza. He has also shared his response on the current crisis taking place there.  

Read Moh’s story