
A Q&A with a twist – Your questions answered by the Minawao Camp community 

Amy Griffin, a ShelterBox Brand and Content Producer, took your questions to the community living in Minawao Camp. See their answers here!

16 September 2024

Right now in Cameroon we are running a co-creation storytelling project with eight members of Minawao Refugee Camp. Over a six month period, participants create their own photos, interviews and creative content to share directly with you via our regular emails (sounds exciting right? You can sign up to receive our emails here).

In our last co-creation email, the group wanted to share how shelter provides hope for their communities. Ishaku, one of our participants, shared an interview he had conducted with his neighbour Ramatou, and the whole group collaborated sharing quotes and images to reflect this sentiment.

As part of this email, we asked you, our amazing ShelterBox supporters, to fill out a survey so we could share feedback with our Minawao camp participants. And wow, you did not disappoint! You sent through some wonderful questions for the group to answer.

We pulled together some of the most popular questions, which have now been answered directly by the community in Cameroon! Read on for a Q&A with a twist – a conversation between you and those you’ve supported.

Question: Hello my friends… What do you use and do to keep a positive mind in your difficult times?

Answer from Maryamu –

Practice gratitude by focusing on the thing you have been grateful for, no matter how small they seem. This can help shift your perspective and remind you of the good things in your life. Surround yourself with positivity. Spend time with people who will uplift you and avoid negative influence. Get enough time to sleep, eat enough food and exercise.

Question: Do you feel safer now and do you think the rest of the world cares about you all? I hope so.

Answer from Ali –

Yes, we do. The rest of the world have been supporting us for more than 10 years now and we really appreciate their effort. Despite of the other difficulties (food security)

Question: What are your hopes for the future, and how can we help?

Answer from Souleyman –

I want to become a chief corner stone for my Community to save the community and reflect their problems to the world at large in a different ways e,g. by writing, storytelling, songs videos (I want to be an actor). Secondly I want to have a durable and more permanent shelter and working materials that will enable me to keep this dream alive. Having the above mentioned material, I would be able to stand firm.

Question: What are your simple pleasures? What activities are fun for you? What is your daily routine?

Answer from Iliya –
a) Pleasure is an important aspect of human experience, and it can bring joy, happiness, and fulfillment to our lives:

  • Physical Pleasure e.g Enjoying a warm bath or shower, savoring a delicious meal and exercising or playing sports.
  • Sensory Pleasure e.g Listening to music, watching a movie or TV show and reading books.
  • Emotional pleasure e.g spending times with love ones, having fun and achieving your goal.

b) The activities which are fun for me are watching animals, sports and playing games
c) My daily routine: wake up at 6:00 am for morning prayer, stretch or exercise, shower and get dressed, have a healthy breakfast, plan out a day (set goals and priorities) focusing on most important tasks, relax and unwind (reading, walk, or hobby), prepare a healthy dinner, plan for tomorrow and go to bed

Question: How are the children coping? – as long as that does not break any safeguarding rules.

Answer from Saratu –

Glory be to Almighty God the children are well protected and nothing is distracting them at all. And they freely have access to shelter and education.

Question: Do you feel safe now you have ShelterBox tents/shelters? Or is there a feeling that it isn’t permanent.

Answer from Yakubu –

Yes, I do as I have shelter. Though it seems to be temporary for now but with the aid of your support proves to me that it’s permanent.

Question: I would like to ask what is it that motivates you beyond survival instincts? Do you have a deep faith for example? Are you motivated by love and community? How do you overcome your worst moments and do you have the friendships and support to get through these deep challenges? What inspires you on a daily basis? Blessings and love and peace to this soulful group.

Answer from Ishaku –
a) Just because I am a victim of the tragedy, and I am safe.
b) Yes, of course. My life is built on love, and my community also proved to me that love is the fundamental principle to conquer the world.
c) By accepting what befalls upon me as it is, then the main way out, is to think and work upon the challenge and seek a way out, since the challenges are not specified. Also by sharing the problem to friends, it would also help in terms of advice, support and some words of encouragement to conquer.
d) Wake up at 6:00 am for morning prayer because it is my faith to do that always. Reading, I have a mission and vision to bring what I have in mind into reality in the form of writing, singing and storytelling.

Question: I would like to learn some phrases in your language to be able to send a message back

Answer from Asabe –

In Minawao Refugee Camp Cameroon we had about 10 different Languages as follows: Glavda, Mandara, Mafa,Kanuri, Zhilidva, dughude, Gavva, Chinene, Chikide, Shuwa arab. Please see a few examples below!





Us badekdeka.

Am ndara?

Ndar Thrra?

Kiyavah zega


Thank you very Much.

How are you.

How work.

Good bye.




Ah waraka

Ballaye usai

Yakata nakena


How are you

I’m fine thank you

I wish to see you




Vambali kina

Ya’wayamana rikdeka

Ya hira’a kazaiye’da



How I wish to see you

I hope you’re doing fine







Hi (thank you)

You are welcome




Kavayaka grado?



My Brother How are you

I’m fine




Kiha thra ba

Awka’au gha


How work

I love you




Ndar Vakka



Good evening

You are welcome




Ndar hiina



Diigala miraha

Thiir marawa


Good morning



Where are you going?

Good job!!




Sa ghra


Younger brother or sister


Shuwa arab



 Thank you