Raise vital funds with your clubs to support people after disaster
We know that Rotary members like to engage with ShelterBox in different ways, so we’ve developed a few ideas and resources to inspire your club, district and wider community.
These resources offer a chance to get together and raise vital funds and awareness of both ShelterBox and the Rotary Project Partnership we share. There is something for all clubs, big and small.
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Stock the Box
Get your community together to support people around the world through stocking your own virtual Shelter Box – helping us to be prepared for the next disaster.
By raising the amount it costs to provide typical packages of emergency aid items, you’ll make sure we’re ready to help those who’ve lost their homes to disaster.
Learn more
Give a Tent for Lent
By giving up something and raising money during Lent (or another religious festival) in aid of ShelterBox, you can provide tents and other shelter essentials to families affected by disaster.
Creative supporters have gone without chocolate, given up negativity and even forgone their own beds by camping out in a tent during Lent! If you are from a different faith community, your club may also wish to raise money for solar lights in Diwali, give something up during Ramadan, or provide a home for Hannukah.
Tent for Lent appeal
Engage your community
Many Rotary clubs have become expert in holding fundraising events and gatherings to engage their local community – here are some examples to inspire you and your club:
Hold tea in a tent
Focus on shelter and get together with your club to set up a tent or marquee, charging members of the public for tea, coffee, cake and biscuits. The Rotary Club of Hitchin Tilehouse did this simple idea as part of their fundraising and raised well over £11,000!
Put on a music night or wine tasting evening
The Rotary Club of Braunton Caen hold an annual event with a buffet and entertainment for ShelterBox, kindly hosted by a local hotel. They organise live music and sell entry tickets and raffle tickets to raise vital funds for our work.
Christchurch Rotary hold a wine tasting evening to raise funds. The event is sponsored by a local business and a wine expert guides everyone through the tasting of delicious wines, with tasting notes to take away. The club raised a fantastic £3,600 for our work with this fun evening.

Camp out together
As part of World Refugee Day, ShelterBox Australia host the ‘Off the Grid’ challenge, where individuals and Rotary clubs across Australia camp out to raise funds and awareness. There is really strong support from Rotary clubs camping in cold to freezing temperatures without electricity. Last year, they raised an incredible $17,000!
Take on a personal challenge
Many Rotary members take on their own challenge to raise funds, and visit other Rotary clubs along the way. When Dave Foster walked the breath of the UK on his ‘ShelterBoots’ challenge, he visited Rotary clubs and churches en route, helping to raise more money and media interest in his walk.
Across the pond, three generations of women from a family in Wisconsin, completed one of Yosemite’s greatest hikes – the North Dome, and summited the nearly 11,000 ft Mount Hoffman. Rotarian, Frances, along with Katrina and Sophie raised an amazing $15,000.

Rotary action
Youth Exchange Fundraising
The ShelterBox Youth Exchange Challenge is an exciting opportunity for students to support a Rotary Project Partner and make a real difference to communities across the globe. The challenge is simple, students:
- Spread the word: give a presentation on ShelterBox from what they can find out on our website and on our Youtube channel. This could be to your host Rotary Club, a school, or a group such as Scouts.
- Fundraise: Fundraise for ShelterBox using one of the ideas on this page. Any amount will help contribute to ShelterBox aid that will help ensure no family goes without shelter.
In The Netherlands, inbound students were inspired by the work ShelterBox had done over the last year, resulting in the highest amount of money ever raised by the Rotary Youth Exchange in the Netherlands, over 18,000 Euros! Students took part in a swimming marathon, where money was raised for each lap swum, and then ran a ticketed benefit evening, where they gave performances to guests.

Rotaract and Interact Clubs
Many Rotary clubs find that when they engage with their local Rotaract and Interact clubs to fundraise together, the collaboration yields fantastic results. You could encourage your clubs to host a talk or dinner to support families around the world, or hold a joint event to raise funds and awareness.
- Rotary Interact students at Portadown College in Ireland raised money through a Tug O’War event held at the school. The Interactors from the school planned and ran the fundraiser themselves!
- Rotaract members from the Rivercity club in Australia, teamed up to hold a ‘Swing for ShelterBox, Drive for Hope’ event, where people were invited to a special day of golf, with raffle prizes donated by local businesses to raise funds. The club raised over $2,600 to support people after disaster.
I learned everything about ShelterBox, I’ll go home knowing so much more about what they do. We 100% need to get other Rotaract clubs involved with ShelterBox.
– Jennifer, Rotaract member of Vaasa Rotaract Club, Finland after attending a ShelterBox training event.
Looking to book a speaker, or for posters, materials or photos to assist with your fundraising? Get in touch using the form below.

Could you volunteer for ShelterBox?
We rely on volunteers to spread the word about our work, give talks and engage with Rotary clubs around the world. Whichever country you are in, we welcome your interest in giving your time to ShelterBox. In volunteering with us, you will become part of a global network of people helping to provide shelter to those affected by disaster. We currently have volunteers in various countries across the world, including in our Affiliate offices – the majority of whom are Rotary members. We also have a new role of ‘Global Ambassador’ which is open to people across the world.
Find out more about volunteer roles on our Volunteering page
Volunteer with usShare your stories with us!
We always love to hear about how Rotary members are supporting our work in different ways and we want to celebrate your achievements. Please email us and share photos and some information about what you did so that we can share it across our social media, and in our Partnership Impact Reports.