By going the extra mile and organising an event to raise funds for ShelterBox, you’re helping us reach disaster-affected families all around the world.
Tick to Gift Aid all gifts given in the last 4 years and all future donations, at no extra cost to you.
Signing up to Gift Aid couldn’t be easier. Simply tick the box the below and provide the first line of your address and your post code.
If you are not a UK Taxpayer and are not eligible for Gift Aid, please let us know and we won’t ask you again.
If you are a UK taxpayer, then you qualify for Gift Aid. Even if you are not employed, you are still eligible if you are paying tax on any of the following:
Personal or occupational pension.
Stocks and shares.
Bank and building society savings accounts.
Rental income.
Overseas and UK investment dividends.
If your donation falls into any of the following categories, then donations should not be claimed:
Donations made by anyone that is not a UK taxpayer
Donations made on behalf of someone else or a group of people – For example, you collect money from your friends and family and then made a bulk donation. Even if they are UK taxpayers, the donation is not eligible. HMRC needs a Gift Aid declaration from each of the donors contributing to the collection.
Donations made in return for something – For example, you are making a donation in return for a ticket to attend an event, or a raffle ticket.
Donations made on behalf of a company – you can only make Gift Aid declarations on your own taxpayer status when spending your own money. However, the company can claim tax relief on the donation when donating directly to the charity.
If you pay tax at a rate of 40% or above, you can claim the difference between the higher and basic rate on your donation. You can do this:
Through your Self Assessment tax return.
By asking HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to amend your tax code.
If you pay tax on a private pension plan or savings account, or pay capital gains on the sale of property or shares, then you are eligible for Gift Aid as a pensioner.
If you have made joint or family donations and your partner pays tax then they can tick the Gift Aid box provided that the donation is paid either from your partner’s account or from a jointly held or named account.
Registering for Gift Aid does not commit you to any future donations, but registering will cover any further gifts you may give.
By registering for Gift Aid, ShelterBox can reclaim the tax on any donations you’ve made in the past four years as well as any future donations.
If your circumstances change, please let us know so that we can keep your record up-to-date on our systems. Contact your Supporter Care Team on 0300 0300 500 or [email protected].
If you are no longer a UK taxpayer, then simply inform us in writing or over the telephone, and we will stop reclaiming tax on your donations immediately.