7 simple ways to lead a sustainable life
Small, everyday changes to our daily life can have a positive impact on the fight against climate change. Here are 7 simple ways to be more sustainable.
Small, everyday changes to our daily life can have a positive impact on the fight against climate change. Here are 7 simple ways to be more sustainable.
In this blog from 2021, see how coronavirus changed our work, and what the impact was for families who had been displaced by disaster.
Delivering training is crucial for the success of our projects. In this blog from 2021, see how we conducted remote training during the coronavirus pandemic.
For Lent 2021, give something up for charity and raise vital funds for disaster-affected families. Take part in Give a Tent for Lent.
January 2001 and 2010 will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. Read about two of our most important earthquake responses and learn more about earthquakes.
New Year, new you! From setting personal goals and helping families affected by disaster, find out why you should take up a challenge for ShelterBox this year.
We asked people around the UK how they were feeling about festivities and decorations this year. Find out what we learned.
In this blog from 2020 we share inspiration from some of the brilliant aid workers, volunteers and fundraisers supporting ShelterBox through the coronavirus crisis.
Read our interview with Stephen Fry as he shares his favourite reads and favourite characters.
2020 was been full of challenges because of the coronavirus pandemic. In this blog from 20202 we shared how people could make a real impact that Christmas and change a family’s life.
As we celebrate our 20th birthday in 2020, we couldn’t forget our volunteers who dedicate their time and effort to help us make sure families receive emergency shelter after disaster.
In the era of coronavirus, the challenges of transporting aid around the world are greater than ever. See how we get aid to disaster-affected communities in this blog from 2020.
In Autumn 2020, there was never a better time to join an online book club. But why join ours?
In this blog from 2020, learn more about the coronavirus situation in Paraguay at the time, and how we helped families to protect themselves.
2020 marks our 20th birthday! Watch these video messages from our President Her Majesty The Queen Consort, the Rotary Club of Helston Lizard, and Holger Knaack, Rotary International President.
In 2020 we were supporting families around the world with life-saving aid to help them protect from coronavirus. In this blog we asked for help in the global fight against coronavirus.
In this blog from 2020, read inspiring stories from people who had been fundraising for us during lockdown
In this blog from 2020 we shared how we got aid to people who needed it without endangering anyone during the height of the coronavirus pandemic